Our journey

A Tale Spanning +15 Years and Counting

In the beginning was a concept

March 13, 2007

Over the course of the next three years, constant innovation and practical applications within several media institutions helped crystallize this concept.

Then, we planted a seed

October 14, 2010

Founding World in Arabic on October 14, 2010, marked a significant step in our journey. It became an online platform dedicated to monitoring, translating, and analyzing worldwide media and think tanks.

Nearly a decade later, we had our debut

May 7, 2016

Intelligence Media Group was launched, initiating our mission to provide media, research, and translation services.

As technical developments, market requirements, and our customers' aspirations evolved, we decided to rebrand

May 28, 2021

We became Acculligence, incorporating artificial intelligence tools and multidisciplinary expertise to offer accurate media monitoring and analysis, content creation, and translation services.

Success Partners


Throughout our journey, spanning a decade and a half, we have had the privilege of working with over 100 clients from 4 continents.